Women Health Tips
Healthy Food
*************************An Apple A Day
***************************An apple befor going to bed will make the doctor beg his bread is justified due to the healthy properties of the apple.Apples are excellent detoxifier.Apple juice is capable of destroying
viruses in the body but excessive consumption of apple seeds is toxic .A Recent Study has show that although apple has small amout of vitamin C but the although apple has small amount of vitamin
C But the consumption of 100 grams of apples is more antioxidant than the 1500 milligrams of same vitamin.
Apples have a history of deliciousl treating those ailments that can lead to drastic result.fossits shown that apples were stored about 5000 years ago and cultivated in neolithic ties.
The benefits of apples are numerous.here are some of them to enlighten you.
* Ity helps in digestion which means that constipation is prevented.
* Eat an apple before meal and make you eat less.
* From one large we gain 30 percent of the minimum amout of fiber that we must take dail.
* Eating two apples a day will lower the cholesterol level up to 10 percent
* Drinking apple juice thrice a week prevents virus from setting in the body.
* Along with antiviral properties an apple is also know for detoxifying.
* The patients of goul and and rheunatism should eat apple as a medicine regulary.
* in diarrhea tahe grated apples mixes in yogurt.Buying apples is an task because of their availability round the year.Always but hard apples do not buy an apple taht dents with your finger Granny smith.the green apples with tart and red apples are best for eating.Refrigerating apples will slow down the decaying process.To prevent the browning of peelled appled rub with the mixture of lemon juice and water.You should take at least 48 grams of fruit in a day and after eating apple you will neither need doctor not medicine.